
Systemy Besperebojnogo Pitaniya LLC is a Russian manufacturing company located in Yekaterinburg. The main activities are the development and manufacture of uninterruptible power supply systems of direct and alternating current. A combination of experiments, theoretical ideas and developments of our specialists make it possible to provide the market with unique samples of systems in industrial production.
Our main task is to ensure uninterrupted operation of all departments in case of unplanned power outage or emergencies.

Number of employees
Scientific supervisor
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Industrial Electronics
Most of our staff
have higher technical education
The staff increased
up to 100 employees in 2023
Technical equipment
Transformer production area

Assembly area

Mechanical and locksmith section

Testing laboratory with the capacity of 200 kW

Equipment and materials warehouse

Warehouse of finished products

Intellectual property

Control algorithms

Mechanical models

Electrical circuits
Company history
Voltag is an expert in the engineering of guaranteed power supply systems for civil and industrial applications.