Ensuring uninterrupted operation of a conveyor line for tire production.

Provision of uninterrupted power supply for emergency lighting of the Troitskaya subway line.

Ensuring uninterrupted power supply to infrastructure facilities of Rosatom subsidiaries.

Provision of uninterrupted power supply to critical facilities of the CPC Marine Terminal.

Provision of power supply to the 110/35/6 kV substation No. 19 Komsomolsky in the town of Pevek, Chukotka Autonomous District.

Ensuring uninterrupted operation of the gas transportation system.

Ensuring power supply to a special group of electric consumers of the 1st category of power supply of the Novgorod branch of PJSC ROSSETI North-West.

Provision of uninterrupted power supply to critical facilities of the trunk pipeline.

Ensuring uninterrupted operation of the automatic train operation remote control of the Bolshaya Koltsevaya subway line

Provision of power supply to the production and power units of compressor stations.

Ensuring uninterrupted operation of server equipment.

Ensuring uninterrupted operation of communication systems.

Ensuring uninterrupted operation of the substation and technological processes.

Ensuring uninterrupted operation of key components of AGDS

Ensuring uninterrupted refining and production of petroleum products.

Development of Salmanovskoye (Utrenneye) oil and gas condensate field. Provision of uninterrupted power supply to ACS and emergency lighting.

Ensuring uninterrupted operation of video surveillance, ACS and AFC of Solntsevskaya metro line

Ensuring uninterrupted operation of the catalytic reforming unit.

Provision of power supply to the gas production site.

Provision of uninterrupted power supply to automated workstations

Ensuring smooth operation of the conveyor line

Ensuring uninterrupted operation of the bank's central branch

Ensuring uninterrupted operation of the Amur GCC plant facilities.

Ensuring uninterrupted operation of gasoline and diesel fractions hydrotreating unit with hydrogen preparation unit.

Provision of uninterrupted power supply to the process unit of vacuum distillation of fuel oil VT-3 of Shop No.1.

Power supply of pulp production shop, power supply of substation operational interlock circuits.

Ensuring uninterrupted operation of the plant's technological process.

Ensuring uninterrupted operation of Solntsevo, Yuzhnoye, Likhobory and Vykhino electric depots.

Ensuring uninterrupted operation of engine load at gas compressor units

Provision of uninterrupted power supply to the facilities of the Eastern Gas Program (Kovykta, Chayanda fields, Power of Siberia pipeline)